Type d'événement

Africa Business Day 2023

  • Tuesday 20 June 2023 08:30-18:00
  • Trafo Congress Center, Baden and online
  • Organisation : Swiss-African Business Circle

This year, the morning sessions will focus on ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), with sectorial and thematic breakout sessions and roundtables in the afternoon. ESG has evolved to become a core pillar of corporate strategy and management. At the same time, the role of business in society has evolved over time both for companies and investors. From a segregated approach of corporate philanthropy or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the 1980’s all the way to a modern, holistic business with purpose and shared value approach, putting ESG elements at the center of corporate activities.

How do companies shape, contribute and respond to an innovative, credible, impactful ESG approach? In addition to standards and regulatory requirements, what is the key to implementing and measuring ESG? What role and responsibilities do SME’s have in all of this and what are the opportunities? 

AFRICA BUSINESS DAY 2023 will feature insights, company testimonials and best practices on the subject, sharing practical examples and by doing so, providing toolkits for your own company. 

Registration and programme

As the CCIG is a partner of the event, its Members benefit from a reduced rate and can register directly as a "Member of a Partner Organization" 


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