Type d'événement

Market Focus : Armenia

  • Wednesday 22 May 2024 12:00-14:30
  • CCIG, bd du Théâtre 4, Genève
  • Organisation : Switzerland - Armenia Chamber of Commerce and the CCIG


This event marks a significant alliance between the Switzerland-Armenia Chamber of Commerce and the Geneva Chamber of Commerce (CCIG).

The initiative aimed at bolstering economic ties by sparking the curiosity and interest of Swiss business leaders in the potential of Armenia’s burgeoning economy.

The primary goal is to cast a spotlight on Armenian products and services, thereby positioning them for recognition and integration within the Swiss market’s diverse economic landscape.

The gathering will serve as a pivotal platform for Armenian enterprises along with government delegates to present a comprehensive analysis of the country’s macro-economic environment. They will delve into the sectors brimming with potential and highlight the burgeoning opportunities that the Republic of Armenia offers. This insightful exposition is designed to inform CCIG members and visiting entrepreneurs about the investment prospects.

Furthermore, the occasion is meticulously curated to foster a fertile ground for networking. It aims to weave strong interpersonal and professional connections among Swiss and Armenian business innovators. This cross-cultural economic conclave is not only an avenue for investment and collaboration but also a celebration of the shared vision for prosperity that both Swiss and Armenian entrepreneurs hold dear. The collaborative spirit of this event is a testament to the power of international cooperation in driving forward economic growth and innovation.

Programme (subject to change) : 




Opening and welcoming remarks


Mr. Vincent Subilia, Director General, CCIG  


Mr. Mike Baronian, President, Chamber of Commerce Switzerland Armenia


H.E. Mr. Andranik Hovhannissyan, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia.


Mrs. Ruzanna Tarverdyan, Member of Geneva City Council


Presentation and Discussion Moderated by Vicken B. Bayramian with Officials from the Government of the Republic of Armenia.


Ms. Kristine Ghalechyan, Deputy Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Republic of Armenia


Mr. Alfred Kocharyan, Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia


Business perspectives by company representatives


Mr. Roman Hambardzumyan, Managing Partner, Prima Finance 

Comparing Tax, Legal, and Governance Frameworks: Switzerland and Armenia (10 min)


Ms. Suzanna Shamakhyan, Vice-president, Strategic Programming, FAST

Swiss-Armenian Synergies in AI and Biotech (10 min)


Business experiences in Armenia by Swiss company representatives


Mr. Alexander Stork, NINECUBES, Interpersonal Skills LAB

Efficient collaboration = the greatest value for your company


Mr. Jakob Schuler, SCHULER Caves St-Jacques 

Experience in Armenia


Closing words


Mrs. Ruzanna Tarverdyan, Member of Geneva City Council


Networking and Armenian cuisine standing lunch.


End of the event


This event will be held in English. 


Thank you for favoring soft mobility for your trips.


Chamber of Commerce Switzerland Armenia members benefit from the same preferential rates as CCIG members and can tick the box "CCIG members" to get the members special price.

  • Price for CCIG members CHF 35
  • Price for non-members CHF 70
N.B. In the event of withdrawal announced less than 48 hours before the event, the registration fee remains due. We inform you that photos and/or videos could be taken to immortalize this event. By participating, you authorize the CCIG to use them on different media to promote its activities.

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